Name: Shreya Raj
Period: 7
Assignment: Lab #2
This lab problem focused on being able to figure out how to create costumes, understanding loops, and figuing out some new animation commands. By being able to create costumes for your sprite, you were then asked to animate your sprite with the different costume created. There were also differnet problems as to figuring out loops. If it was best to use the loop repeat or forever. Also, some problems were given to help the scratch user to rerally understand the commands and the actions given in scratch. Complete instructions of the lab is found HERE.
This problem had to do with creating costumes and animation. You were told to create your own sprite (with different costumes) and then to simply animate the sprite. My solution involved choosing costume1 then setting my sprite to go to x:36 y:-66. Then I used my glide comand for one second with a specific x and y coordinate to make my sprite glide diagonally. After that glide I switched to costume2 and then using a glide command, costume2 runs horizontally. My final commands involved switching to costume3 and then using the glide command I animated my sprite to move downward diagonally.
In this problem you were asked to figue out the right code that would make your sprite move 100 steps. You were given 5 different options as to a solution, and my solution involved only 2 commands. The first command was the move 10 steps command and the I used the repeat command. I programmed the repeat command to repeat the 10 steps 10 times. To start the animation I also had to add the start when flag clicked command.
In this problem you were asked to choose the right code (out of 3 options) to make any sprite say "There's a mouse in my house," whenever the mouse touched the sprite. Out of all the options, my solution involved the conditional, if touching mouse-pointer then say There's a mouse in my house for 0.5 seconds. With that I added a forever loop over the condtional to make the sprite speak any time the mouse touched the sprite.