Entry #7: December 11 2015
Since last week I startred my calender, I decided to finish it today. I made it on word document and I customized my calander with textboxes and things. So since I found out about the snipping tool from the last scratch lab I made the calander and then snipped it to make it into a jpeg. From there I saved the jpeg to my images file and linked it. Pretty awesome that snipping tool.
Entry #6: December 4 2015
Today I wanted to start actually adding stuff to my website. Such as a calander or surveys or even start inputing the google maps to my website. I finally decided to start a calender. My goal is that this calander keeps kids a lot more organzied with school work but also to help them stay on top of social school events. Hopefully this calander will not only keep students organzied in academics but also hopefully feel more involved and informed about social school events. So to make this calender I started working on it on google docs. Hopefully it will turn out great and look the way I want.
Entry #5: October 30 2015
Today I decided to expand my knowledge on java script through CodeAcademy. After, I started to edit my website once again and I have officialy put it up on neocities. Click HERE to see what my website looks like. I tried to add a lot of dons spirit to my website as well. I added a lot of css including my menu-bar and next week I hope to be able to start adding content to my website. By next week I hope to get an api address from google maps and add it to my website.
Entry #4: October 23 2015
Today instead of working on java script I decided to start developing my website. I started to create my index for my website and I started to create the different webpages for my website as well. I also started to add the css for my website but I do not think I am going to start uploading things until I am fully comfortable with java script. Without java script I do not think I will be able to use an api with google maps; so I still need to figure out java script. But today it was awesome to get a feel of what my website might look like.
Entry #3:October 16 2015
Today I continued my work to understand and learn java script. Since Codecademy is actually malfunctioning and having some technical difficulties, I decided to try to find different tutorials to help learn java script. I ended up trying to learn with examples and learn by trying with the website w3schools. This website and its examples were actually quite helpful as I got a better understanding of java script and how it works.
Entry #2: October 9 2015
Today I created a new folder on my H drive to start creating my website on brackets. I set up my website with an index, but before I really start inputing and changing my website I want to how to make my website a lot more interactive. Thus today after establishing my website, I focused on CodeAcademy and started the lesson "Make an Interactive Website". But when I started that lesson I realized I needed to know java script to understand so then I started the java script lesson on CodeAcademy. Hopefully by next week I will have completed all of the lessons about java script on CodeAcademy
Entry #1: October 2 2015
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